AFL Cape York House – Boys aims to provide educational, employment and training opportunities for Indigenous males from Far North Queensland’s most remote communities in a culturally appropriate, safe and secure residential environment to ensure every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. AFLCYH has established partnerships with nine secondary schools in Cairns. Whilst attending our partner schools, students are supported in their educational and pastoral care needs. Our cohort are mentored and supported in education and life skills with the aim of accessing higher education, employment and training opportunities post-secondary education.
AFLCYH boarding experience is educational in a way that’s not singularly focused on academia but on co-curricular activities as well as teaching life skills. Boarding here is a holistic opportunity. AFLCYH builds on self-identity, worth and growth. Success is achieved when individuals can demonstrate their uniqueness while aspiring to achieve their best in academic, sporting, cultural and personal pursuits.
It is AFLCYH’s charter to anticipate individuals’ needs and promote engagement throughout boarding-life. Our engagement philosophy centres on activities that promote social justice, education, civic wellbeing and fostering a strong sense of community spirit.
AFL Cape York House – Boys aims to provide educational, employment and training opportunities for Indigenous males from Far North Queensland’s most remote communities in a culturally appropriate, safe and secure residential environment to ensure every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. AFLCYH has established partnerships with nine secondary schools in Cairns. Whilst attending our partner schools, students are supported in their educational and pastoral care needs. Our cohort are mentored and supported in education and life skills with the aim of accessing higher education, employment and training opportunities post-secondary education.
AFLCYH boarding experience is educational in a way that’s not singularly focused on academia but on co-curricular activities as well as teaching life skills. Boarding here is a holistic opportunity. AFLCYH builds on self-identity, worth and growth. Success is achieved when individuals can demonstrate their uniqueness while aspiring to achieve their best in academic, sporting, cultural and personal pursuits.
It is AFLCYH’s charter to anticipate individuals’ needs and promote engagement throughout boarding-life. Our engagement philosophy centres on activities that promote social justice, education, civic wellbeing and fostering a strong sense of community spirit.
AFL Cape York House – Boys is a 48-bed residential boarding facility located in the centre of Cairns. The facility is home to young Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders from Far North Queensland and the Northern Territory’s most remote communities. The facility was constructed in 2012 and opened in January 2013. AFLCYHB is a facility that can feel like home with a basketball court, music room and football energy so students can expend some energy as well as an indoor recreation room and fully functioning gym, oh and not to forget our 8m boat as part of the AFL Cape York Marine Program used to stay connected to country. These spaces allow our students plenty of time to interact, share positive experiences and separate from the regular boarding environment of routine, school and study. AFLCYH also has a fully resourced classroom that enables our young men to continue their learning after school finishes.
Our education pillar supports each student’s transition from community into boarding and within the school environment. We support AFLCYH students academically to achieve their potential – through in-class learning support, referred support and/or tutoring. It is our responsibility to liaise with schools and advocate for students regarding behaviour, academic support and wellbeing. We complete academic testing (band-scaling) for new/existing students, for the creation of Individual Learning Plans which enables us to work alongside our partner schools to provide the best support for students within the school environment; transitioning, classroom, playground – leading to improved outcomes.
We facilitate contextual student understanding workshops with schools to best support the learning outcomes of students and build capacity in schools regarding the education of our students. Our in-class supports (Student Mentors) role model positive behaviours, provide academic support in the classroom, increase student engagement and help them develop confidence leading to independence in an educational setting.
The Wellbeing program at AFL Cape York Boys House focuses on each young person’s emotional, social, physical, psychological and cultural needs. Our holistic model of care builds on strengths, resilience and ensures connectedness to culture. The program is coordinated by the Wellbeing Team and it is the responsibility of all members of the boarding house to promote and play a vital role.
All staff are involved in Wellbeing through developing positive relationships with our young people, facilitating safe life experiences, and participating in the mentoring program. These relationships are important in supporting young people in feeling connected and belonging whilst at boarding. Each young person also has an individual support plan made in collaboration with them and their family, acknowledging strengths and addressing needs. A key component of this is the coordination of the health care of our young people, to ensure they are happy and healthy whilst at their home away from home.
There are also a variety of activities in the program to promote resilience and explore wellbeing; gardening, cooking, exercise, adventure-based therapy, art and music. This is further complemented by health information sessions delivered by external organisations such as Wuchopperen, QLD Health and Headspace. We believe that through positive relationships, life experience, and individual support our young people will transition successfully onto whatever it is they want to be. Our role is to provide an environment that supports, cares and nurtures our young people through this transition to become strong, proud and responsible.
Our transitions pillar is responsible for assisting students aged 15-21 years with intensive, pre-employment support to improve their work readiness, help them break into the workforce or provide further education opportunities through ongoing support, coaching and mentoring during their placement. AFLCYH actions opportunities in line with Individual Pathway Plans and the aspirations of students to ensure they have every opportunity to progress desires from schooling to a post schooling pathway.
Through these plans, we link students to employment or employment services utilising formal and informal partnerships with business, industry, education and training providers, research through industry tours, work experience, and investigations.
Our education pillar supports each student’s transition from community into boarding and within the school environment. We support AFLCYH students academically to achieve their potential – through in-class learning support, referred support and/or tutoring. It is our responsibility to liaise with schools and advocate for students regarding behaviour, academic support and wellbeing. We complete academic testing (band-scaling) for new/existing students, for the creation of Individual Learning Plans which enables us to work alongside our partner schools to provide the best support for students within the school environment; transitioning, classroom, playground – leading to improved outcomes.
We facilitate contextual student understanding workshops with schools to best support the learning outcomes of students and build capacity in schools regarding the education of our students. Our in-class supports (Student Mentors) role model positive behaviours, provide academic support in the classroom, increase student engagement and help them develop confidence leading to independence in an educational setting.
The Wellbeing program at AFL Cape York Boys House focuses on each young person’s emotional, social, physical, psychological and cultural needs. Our holistic model of care builds on strengths, resilience and ensures connectedness to culture. The program is coordinated by the Wellbeing Team and it is the responsibility of all members of the boarding house to promote and play a vital role.
All staff are involved in Wellbeing through developing positive relationships with our young people, facilitating safe life experiences, and participating in the mentoring program. These relationships are important in supporting young people in feeling connected and belonging whilst at boarding. Each young person also has an individual support plan made in collaboration with them and their family, acknowledging strengths and addressing needs. A key component of this is the coordination of the health care of our young people, to ensure they are happy and healthy whilst at their home away from home.
There are also a variety of activities in the program to promote resilience and explore wellbeing; gardening, cooking, exercise, adventure-based therapy, art and music. This is further complemented by health information sessions delivered by external organisations such as Wuchopperen, QLD Health and Headspace. We believe that through positive relationships, life experience, and individual support our young people will transition successfully onto whatever it is they want to be. Our role is to provide an environment that supports, cares and nurtures our young people through this transition to become strong, proud and responsible.
Our transitions pillar is responsible for assisting students aged 15-21 years with intensive, pre-employment support to improve their work readiness, help them break into the workforce or provide further education opportunities through ongoing support, coaching and mentoring during their placement. AFLCYH actions opportunities in line with Individual Pathway Plans and the aspirations of students to ensure they have every opportunity to progress desires from schooling to a post schooling pathway.
Through these plans, we link students to employment or employment services utilising formal and informal partnerships with business, industry, education and training providers, research through industry tours, work experience, and investigations.
Boarding Manager
After being born in Victoria, Kane spent the first two years of his life living on Groote Eylandt in NT due to his father being a prawn trawler skipper.
Boarding Manager
Careers & Transitions Officer
Peter grew up in Adelaide until moving to Cairns in 2013. He owned a small business (CD shop) and then went into politics for 10 years.
Careers & Transitions Officer
Business Support Coordinator
Jeda started with AFL Cape York House for Boys in 2018 and has seen our organisation grow with the addition of our new girls House facility.
Business Support Coordinator
Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Transition Teacher
Boarding Coordinator
AFL Cape York House – Boys Boarding Manager Kane Richter
AFL Cape York House – for Boys
Applications now open in the boys boarding for 2024
AFL Cape York House – for Boys